Lavender Essence-Spiritual Progress
LAVENDER (lavendula augustiflora): Spiritual Progress
Lavender activates the crown chakra, with the crown chakra activated, aspects of the higher-self integrate into the personality. This essence can stimulate visionary states and connect people to their higher self to remove karmic blockages that prevent spiritual progress.
FORMULATION: Biogenic Essence of Lavender, Purified water and Brandy as a natural preservative.
Stock Bottle: 2 drops in a glass of water (or on your tongue) two times a day.
Dosage Bottle: 4 drops four to ten times per day in water or directly on tongue.
// For chronic conditions or long-term constitutional use (longer than a month) lower this dosage to 2 drops three times a day.
You can massage the essence directly onto your skin - the wrists, heart centre, and temples are direct portals to your own unique medicine.
Place 7 drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml to 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/2 brandy + 1/2 spring water, for a prolonged shelf life. Or fill with just water and 7 drops of stock essence, will last for up to 2 weeks.
What Are They?
Herbal Decoctions from the flowering part of the plant made in a way to embody its higher vibrational medicine, which targets emotional and mental sensitivities. We each have a unique life force which vibrates out layers of energy (Subtle Energy Body). When these energies are under stress or imbalanced they can affect our emotional, mental and spiritual state of wellbeing. Flower Essences work in a deep healing way to bring these energies back into alignment.
Many Blessings and Healing Hugs xx Espell